Home APP H2H

Restoring the Relationship

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Meets Expectation

The Advisor described a relevant and personalized way an Apple product or service could benefit the customer.

Example 1

Customer: "Don't bother emailing me! I won't get it anyway! I've tried the steps you gave me, and it's still not working!"

Advisor: "I certainly apologize for it still not working. I have a few more suggestions that I'd like to try with you, and I'm sure we can get your email working soon."

Example 2

Customer: "My client notes were on my iPad, and I couldn't access them for my meeting this morning. I was so embarrassed because I had to postpone the meeting with my boss. I really need these notes by tomorrow, or I'll get in trouble!"

Advisor: "I can imagine that was a difficult experience for you. I'll help you take care of it, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure that you can access your notes before your meeting."

Example 3

Customer: ''Wish I did not buy this product''

Advisor: ''By the end of the call, hopefully we will get you enjoying using this product again''