The Advisor described a relevant and personalized way an Apple product or service could benefit the customer.
This will give the customer information that is more relevant for them rather than something that may be no use to them.
During the call while asking Personalize questions, you discover that he takes so many photos of his grandchildren that his phone storage is usually full. After you help him with FaceTime, you ask, "Since you mentioned that your phone storage is usually full, did you know that you can use Settings to see how much storage each app is using?"
After you explain where to find this information, you send him a link to knowledge base article HT201656, See how much storage you've used on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
You ask the personalization question, "What kinds of things do you like to do with your iPhone?" Sally says that she uses her phone for work, and travels allott. Sally complains that the battery in her iPhone drains very quickly when the cellular signal is low. Later in the call, you say, "You mentioned that your battery drains while you travel. An easy way to conserve battery power while you travel is to use a Wi-Fi connection as much as possible. Connecting via a Wi-Fi connection uses less power than connecting via a cellular network. Often, a Wi-Fi connection is available at hotels and airports. Do you know how to search for and manage Wi-Fi networks?" Sally says she doesn't know how to manage Wi-Fi settings.
After you explain where to find the settings, you send Sally a link to the Maximizing Battery Life and Lifespan webpage, which includes other helpful battery tips.
Joaquin mentions that he's had several iOS devices. He loves how easy it is to restore from an iCloud backup when he sets up a new device. He's thinking about purchasing more iCloud storage, his iPhone 6 Plus has a 128 GB. After you help Joaquin with Touch ID, you say, "Did you know that you can delete iCloud backups that are associated with iOS devices you no longer use? This might free up some extra iCloud storage for you. Do you want to take a look at your settings to see if you have any old backups that you can delete?"
After you explain where the settings are, you send Joaquin a link to the KB article HT204247, Manage your iCloud storage, and direct him to the section with instructions for deleting iCloud backups.